My Long Story Short
the Essence of One's Life
in Video and Book Form

How many of you have uttered these words when it came to
taking on the task of capturing memories about someone you love? Sure, it is easy to believe that we all
have lots of time. And we are now blessed with amazing technological advances in the form of digital camcorders and
cameras. Never before have such incredible journalistic tools been available to so many. But why is it that we so often allow precious time to simply float on by in this
increasingly fast-paced world, and then . . . before we know it . . . we have
missed the opportunity to learn something incredible about the people we
love so dearly?
With the development of "My Long Story Short," I am so pleased to now be able
to offer you and your family the opportunity to capture (in video and hard-cover book formats) the essence of special
individuals in your lives. The process is very simple—as well as enjoyable—for
the people who experience it. In addition, my many years of recording and writing about interviews has taught me that, very often, individuals will choose to open up to a third
party in a manner that is quite different from how they might respond to the
exact same questions asked by a close family member.
Please feel free to browse around our website, and if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you.