About Eldercation and "gOLD"

Harry J. Getzov loves spending time with older people. Lots of them. For the better part of the past two decades, he has
traveled around the country and personally interviewed over 1,600 senior
citizens—from all walks of life—as part of the Eldercation project. Eldercation's mission is to inspire people to
engage seniors on a more consistent basis, and in a more meaningful way.
As Getzov states in his award-winning debut book, "gOLD: The
Extraordinary Side of Aging Revealed Through Inspiring Conversations":
showing others what it is I am experiencing as I visit with these
extraordinary people, it is my hope that, together, we can see how
incredible these folks really are, and, in time, we can change the way
we typically think about aging and the way we view older people.
Historically, our culture has placed a premium on attributes like speed,
youth and beauty, and such emphasis has subsequently clashed head-on
with our images of senior citizens. With so many baby boomers now
beginning the process of shifting over into the next life-phase, it can
be said that this enormous demographic group has a vested interest in
creating this kind of powerful transformation."
It's time to change the way we think about aging and older people.
For more information about Eldercation, please visit our Web site at:
The Extraordinary Side of Aging Revealed Through Inspiring Conversations
By Harry J. Getzov
Foreword by Marianne Williamson
What if growing old didn't have to mean being obsolete
or over the hill? What if, instead, it meant being classic, venerable
and wise? What if it meant writing the novel you've always wanted to
write, or painting, or singing, or teaching, or traveling to a place
you've always dreamed of?
In "gOLD," Harry J. Getzov introduces us to many of the extraordinary
senior citizens he has interviewed from all walks of life as part of the
Eldercation project he created to promote the concept of positive
aging. Kitchen tables, living room and den sofas, front porches and
offices—these are just some of the settings in which Getzov has visited
with hundreds of older individuals. These special visits provide these
people with an opportunity to talk freely about lessons learned and
wisdom gained, and share their feelings about aging—demonstrating that
life after 65 can, indeed, be passionate and beautiful.
"Time and time again, a visit with a senior gives me the chance to
pause and, in a manner of speaking, take a vacation from myself. It also
provides an opportunity to engage in something that, unfortunately,
seems to be more and more elusive in these fast and sleek times: a
conversation. Not a text. Not a Facebook message. Not an on-the-run
cell-phone chat. I'm talking about an actual, old-fashioned, one-on-one,
face-to-face, eye-to-eye conversation. There is something almost
magical about these personal interactions that, in my humble opinion,
their high-tech counterparts simply cannot duplicate. . . . Visits with
older individuals present us with special opportunities to learn and
expand our minds, opening portals to all kinds of fascinating worlds.
Conversations take the form of mini motion pictures or documentaries,
all of them narrated firsthand by individuals who have amassed a wealth
of knowledge enriched by one precious ingredient—an ingredient not yet
available in the same quantity to younger people: experience. Lots of
experience." (Excerpt from "gOLD").
A precious treasure lies hidden within our older population waiting
to be revealed. "gOLD" opens the door to its revelation and suggests that
it is time to change the way we think about aging and about our elder
Remember: Old—It's not a four-letter word.
Available on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com - In Paperback, Kindle and Nook e-Book Versions.
Additional Titles by Harry J. Getzov

If My Home Had
No Mirrors
Extraordinary Seniors Speak About the Age They Feel vs. the Age They Are
With the release of "If My Home Had No Mirrors," Harry
J. Getzov continues the process of expanding the "gOLD" series, so we
have all have a chance to listen to vibrant seniors as they share
thoughts and feelings about all kinds of important issues—one at a
time—in smaller installments. In "If My Home Had No Mirrors," we hear
seniors respond to a particular question regarding age. The best way to
explain this book's focus is to now present the same question to all of
you as you read this book description:
"Turn away from your computer screen, Kindle reader, or your iPad.
Then close your eyes, take in a deep breath, and do the following: For
the next two minutes, forget about anything physical regarding your
body. I don't want to hear about any aches and pains, wrinkles or newly
discovered gray hair, or worse, any newly discovered lack of hair. For a
moment, let your thoughts wander and think, in your mind and in your
heart—mentally and spiritually—what age do you feel you are at this
moment? I'm asking you to really spend a moment and do this. Pick a
number. And when you pick that number, jot down some notes about why you
chose that particular age. Take your time."
Getzov asks all of his interviewees this exact question—all 1,600
of the seniors he has interviewed to date. But when he asked Mr. Phil
San Antonio (Oklahoma City, OK) the question, Phil laughed hard and then
quickly offered the following:
"So, what you're asking me then, Harry, is -- What age would I feel like if my home had no mirrors -- right?"
As you spend time enjoying "If My Home Had No Mirrors," you should
know that every single senior citizen who responds to this question ends
up reporting that they feel much younger than their chronological
number. And that is certainly terrific news for all the baby boomers,
isn't it?
Actually, it is good news for all of us!
Available on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com - In Kindle and Nook e-Book Versions.